Dugit Messianic Bookstore & Coffee House

Tel Aviv, Israel

Project: The revitalization of a 1950’s art gallery into a contemporary Messianic bookstore, coffeehouse, and youth outreach center.
Setting: A split level 60 sq. m. (600 sq. ft.) “slot” with moderate light at both ends only, and an off-center structural column in the middle of the main room.
Image: The image for this off Dizengoff outreach center in central Tel Aviv was contemporary.
Challenge: To gracefully organize the space around the obstruction, alleviate the concrete tube acoustic problem and provide display and ambient light, all while meeting the programmatic requirements for:
  • Art Gallery with display shelves and print storage.
  • Bookstore with display stacks and book storage.
  • Video store with video viewing room.
  • Coffee house with booth seating and outdoor tables.
  • Outreach center with meeting capacity.
  • Performance stage.
  • Counseling room.
  • Kitchen for light food and drinks.
  • Restroom per code.
  • Security.
  • Dramatic, award winning architecture.

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