Bet Avinu Messianic Congregation

Jaffa, Israel

Project: An 800 sq. m. Worship Facility.
Location: The celebrated grounds of the Bet Emannuel Hostle located in the historic American Colony district of Jaffa, Israel. Bet Emanual enjoys a very prestigious Historic Landmark status as the original settlement of the American Christian Zionist visionaries. The House was later owned by Baron Ustenof who created his world-famous expansive gardens on the grounds. It was respectivly used for a military hospital, a school, and finally an Anglican Christian hostle.
Vision: A continuation of the Christian (Messianic) Zionist vision of providing a place to further the end time return and salvation of the Jewish people.
Program: A 500-seat Sanctuary, with open seating, a full basement Education and Administration facility, and rooftop gardens and gathering space. All with very tight existing boundries and material restrictions.
Solution: A dramatic backdrop to the historic garden foreground, the progresivly assending clustered forms are organized around a conical stairwell, which climb up from the garden to a roof garden and culminate in the dramatic presensce of the main sanctuary, which traditionaly orients itself on a direct alignment with the Temple mount in Jerusalem. The complex spacial sequencing are offset by the simple platonic forms.

The iterior space is surprisingly vast.

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Project Plans

Site [PDF - 257KB] | Basement [PDF - 172KB] | Ground Floor [PDF - 131KB] | Second Floor [PDF - 100KB]

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